Athletic Meals
Hi Coaches!
If your team will be off campus during a meal period, Dining can provide a boxed Polar Pack Out meal to meet team's dining needs. We look forward to being part of your teams experience!

Select one (1) of the options below, follow the link to fill out the form, and your request will be sent to our Dining staff. It’s a simple, easy, and always delicious option for your team on the go. Check out the details below!
Polar Pack Out 1 - Meal includes a Bagel with Cream Cheese and Peanut Butter, 1 greek yogurt, 1 seasonal fruit, 1 granola bar, and 1 water.
Polar Pack Out 2 - Meal includes choice of sandwich plus 1 snack, 1 water and 1 seasonal fruit. Snack choices are Gold Fish, Sun Chips, Trail mix, Cliff Bar, or GF KIND Bar.
Polar Pack Out 3 - Meal includes 2 Core Power Protein shake, 1 water and choice of a GF KIND bar or Trail Mix.
Polar Pack Out 4 - Meal includes 2 waters, 1 of each; Goldfish, Smart Food, Trail Mix, Fig Newtons, and an Apple.
Things to Keep in Mind:
- Submit requests 10 days in advance to guarantee your request.
- Only one (1) Polar Pack Out option can be chosen per meal.
- Coaches are responsible for providing rosters 5 days in advance for meal swipes.
- Call the Dining Office at 207-725-3211 and/or send email Adeena Fisher and Stephanie LeMieux for any last minute changes.
Want to Talk Nutrition?
Please reach out to Susanne D’Angelo-Cooley, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES - Registered Dietitian to discuss your team’s needs. or 207-725-3542.
Still Have Questions?
Reach out to Stephanie LeMieux or Adeena Fischer for more information!